
What are the different uses of different colors of plastic trash cans?


Environmental sanitation plastic trash cans are general […]

Environmental sanitation plastic trash cans are generally made into 5 colors, namely red, emerald green, dark blue, gray and light yellow. Different colors have different meanings and applications.

1. Red: represents hazardous substances, sometimes marked in orange. Hazardous substances include waste batteries, fluorescent lamps, paints, expired medicines, skin care products and other non-recyclable chemical substances that contain certain environmental pollution damage.

2. Emerald green: Under the condition of a variety of plastic trash cans, emerald green represents kitchen waste, which can be used as fertilizer for green plant nutrients. After being buried in the soil layer, it can be buried by natural microorganisms and green Plants dissolve, digest and absorb, and have the effect of reusing waste.

3. Dark blue: represents recyclable waste, including plastics, paper products, metal materials and other useful chemical substances, which will be included in the software of the waste recycling system for resource recycling applications .

4. Gray: In addition to wastes other than harmful substances and recyclable chemical substances, these compounds are generally incinerated, buried, etc. to solve the problem.

5. Light yellow: represents a special garbage bin for medical waste, generally only used in outpatient clinics, clinics and other diagnosis and treatment venues.

All of this color difference is to better let everyone recognize at first sight that it is an environmental sanitation plastic trash can, and it is an area where everyone should throw waste into it. The difference in color is also for more Let the common people pay more attention to ecological environmental protection, and pay attention to the sorting and recycling of garbage.